
My name is Melissa and I am a single mother of two beautiful children.
I have a wonderful son who is 3 and a half and a daughter who is two. I am blogging my life as I learn to adjust my life from one step to another and trying to find a way to keep up with my artistic hobbies while doing it.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Today is Halloween and much much more....

So I checked the contest site yesterday of the pumpkin contest I entered. Not so surprisingly, I did not win. Lol. The winning pumpkins were amazing, but only gave me a huge amount of motivation to make something even more epic then the pumpkins that were there. So next year I have a theme decided for my pumpkin.... well pumpkins ;). I am going to use about 10 pumpkins for a collaborative display and it is going to be a Naked Gnome Race! I am also going to try and some how put in the tram that goes between Ironforge and Stormwind. Unless of course the expansion kills the tram system. If that happens I will simply find a better place to put into the pumpkins. I think it will be quite amusing. I am of course also going to do a set of pumpkins up for Logan to enter into the contest as well. Lol. I know he really wanted to enter but does not have the skill required to enter such a contest and hey might as well double our chances of winning. =D So Halloween party today at 3. We will see how it goes. I am excited because I love Halloween, and I know it will be great fun for Vincent. I am anxious and cautious towards it because I feel like it is going to be extremely awkward considering I know a couple of the other parents going do not like me. But I am going to just say screw it and go regardless. Just because they are hideous swamp trolls who like to ruin the lives of those around them, I am not going to let it affect me. I will still be civil and nice to everyone, because I actually enjoy being nice to people, but if they say or do anything rude towards me or my son then they will be extremely sorry. I am not one to take such things lightly. I know the whole do unto others as you would have them do unto you is a huge thing and I believe everyone deserves chances, but I dislike being treated poorly and I admit I can be quite a mean person when backed into a corner. These are traits that I am not even ashamed of because no one should ever allow people to walk on them or treat them like garbage. Be good to others but don't let people get away with treating others like garbage either. That is something I hope to teach my children. That way I know they will never let others bully them, but also that they won''t become bullies themselves. Hmmmm. I am noticing that my blogs turn into rants. Lol. Oh well if anyone doesn't like it then they can just choose not to read it. I enjoy having this as a way to convey my thoughts and feelings without having to care what others think. Of course it's impossible to not care what other people think, it is something that's is forced into our education ever since we are small children. Always forced to learn that you need the approval of someone to know that you are doing good enough. Anyways thats enough ranting and blogging for the day. I'm sure I will be back to do more later.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Downtown Treat Trail!

So I took my son to the Downtown Treat Trail today. Maybe not using a stroller wasn't such a good idea, though it made it easier to wade through the huge crowd of children and parents trying to get their kids first to the candy bucket. We never did finish the whole trail, for one it was way too crowded and overwhelming for a one year old, and for two my son was tired of walking and wanted to hug every person he passed.  We never made it to either of the malls as well because I figured that he had more than enough junk and he cant even eat most of it. (Lucky me! =D ) Everywhere we went people were constantly complimenting my little fire fighter. I notced and excessive amount of girls all dressed as princesses and boys as storm troopers. Kudos to the guy in the WD40 costume though, it made me giggle. I was hoping to see more original costumes but that just goes to show how lazy we have become towards dressing our child for something that only lasts a couple hours. I swear I will always make sure to go all out on my childrens costumes from here on out. Halloween is far to fun of an event for me to want to be so lazy and I am sad that I didn't put more effort into this year but I also understand that I really didn't have the time being so prego and chasing a one year old constantly around the house so he will stop pulling everything out of all the drawers. Got to love how rambunctious toddlers get at this stage.  I find it is getting quite hard to keep up with him at this point, what with my hip being all hurtin and what not, not to mention my fiance works for a large chunk of our sons waking hours so it quite often just me and our son at home. Tuesdays are very important for us because I enjoy taking my son to the Healthiest Babies Possible Program at the Family Resource Center from 10:30am to 1pm. Its very educational, I get to talk to actual people who don't just speak with words such as 'da', 'ba', 'ga', and 'ma', and not to mention the amazing food that Carol and Anna cook. Nom Nom Nom..... Anyways I just realized I definitely went off topic there. Back to the treat trail. I was a bit sad to not make it to the haunted house/ pawn shop, it looked interesting and definitely worth checking out but also probably not suitable for a toddler.  There seemed to be an excessive amount of traffic on the side roads downtown who looked extremely angry about the large number of people and children crossing the streets as if they felt that those people had no right to be holding them up any longer. What is with people who drive thinking that people who walk are inconveniencing them. I mean seriously, you have a car you can get to your destination on time if you time it right and leave a few minutes ealry so you can skip the whole road rage and glaring at the poor people who just want to cross the street. It is especially irritating when drivers act like this when it is cold and/ or raining, your in a warm/ dry vehicle so stop complaining. RAWR!!!! LoL.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween part 2!

So I have changed my mind about trying to put together those costumes and instead am dressing my son up as a firefighter. The lady who runs the baby group I go to gave us this amazing firefighter costume for him. The only thing missing from it was the hat, which seems to be ridiculously impossible to find. I have seen them separately sold in dollar stores in the toy sections repeatedly through out the year but apparently for Halloween they are only available to be bought with an entire costume.... and the costumes they come with definitely are not worth paying for. So my pumpkin is already wilting but that was to be expected considering how thin I had to make the walls to etch the image of the dragon in properly so the light could shine through with nice effect. On the upside I have another pumpkin to carve before Halloween so hopefully I can find the inspiration to do something even better though I doubt I have the time or patience to finish it in time. I have yet to find an easy costume for myself so I think I will skip dressing up this year and maybe just tell everyone I am a MILF or a Pedestrian/ Civilian or whatever witty comment comes to mind when I'm asked. That and I'm way too cheap to wanna spend 8.99 on a cat ears headband..... I mean come on that is ridiculous for a stupid headband.... especially for a dollar store price. I mean isn't the point of a dollar store to have things at the price of... you know... a dollar!!!!!!!!!!!! RAWR! Lol! (And yes I know a lot of people do not appreciate the lack of grammar and the use of excessive acronyms but I mean who cares I don't do it because I cant use proper English or spell I do it because I think it is is an accurate enough depiction of what I am trying to say.)
Well, that is all the time I have for today but I am trying to work out a decent schedule for blogging, and I guess I use this for ranting about stupid things as well but I suppose that does not matter because I honestly don't think any one actually reads this lol.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Excited for Halloween!

Well, I really am not at all prepared for this halloween but I am still super excited. My pumpkin turned out amazing, though I had worked on it for days with a thumb tac, a paring knife and a spoon. Finally brought the project to a close at 3am last night. I will post a pic on here because it has made me very happy! I have finally decided on a costume for friday/sunday. Now all I need to do is find a lot of rope and two kid sized basket balls to make it work. My costume I want to do is the Flying Spaghetti Monster and I would like to dress my son up as Prego the midget pirate who walked the plank for our sins. If you are unfamiliar with this story then you need to check out www.venganza.org because it is quite entertaining. As for if I cant pull that together then I will just dress my son up as a puppy because at least then i know he will be warm. Its always fun to see the best creative costumes people come up with. I have a friend who is making his costume to be Mr Miagi. I am so excited to see how that turns out. But that is all the time I have today for blogging due to the fact that I am a nerd who has to get her son ready to go because I have D&D tonight and no babysitter. Have a good night all!

Friday, October 22, 2010

First Time Blogging

Well here goes. This is my first attempt at blogging. I would like to keep a blog about life as a stay at home mom. Its strange to realize home much your life can change in such a short time. Its weird for me to think just 5 years ago I had just finished high school. Back then I never could imagine having a son as amazing as mine, and not to mention that I would be expecting a little girl soon as well. I also never would have guessed that I would be planning a wedding. I always thought that though I did want to have a significant other to share my life with, I never saw myself getting married or having kids.  Though we aren't actually married yet, I have been putting off the wedding plans, originally planned for next May, because I can't overcome the fact of how expensive weddings are these days. Not to mention I really hate spending excessive amounts of money for something that will only be a day, even if the memories will last a life time. I have been looking forward to that day but at the same time fearing it, not entirely sure why. I have never been happier then I am with life now. I also have never had a man as amazing as he is. :) Sure like every relationship there is up and downs but when it comes right down to it he is so kind and takes really good care of me and our son and child on the way. :) Our son has been the best thing so far in my life and has been an amazing learning experience. Its  fun to be able to play and teach him new things and watch as his personality develops more and more everyday.  He really is an amazing little guy. He would rather eat fruit and veggies over anything else :) just like his mama :) makes me so happy to see his preferences are healthy. He doesn't like to drink a lot of juice, he loves milk but his favorite thing to drink is water, he always wants to drink water from our water bottles. He loves to help me dress him and loves to go outside to play. He also loves it when we read to him. Sometimes its scary to think soon I will have two little monsters to chase after but then I look at his smile and it just seems so perfect and no matter how frustrating it can be when he does typical toddler like things like pulling all the tea towels out of the drawers, I look forward to having to little snugglers :) two amazing beautiful children to read to and play with. No matter what happens in life I can always count on my son's smile to cheer me up. I never knew the true depths of love until I had my son growing in my little belly, and everyday that love grows more and more. Its definitely one of those things I never would have believed if you had told me 5 years ago. But I think that is enough for my very first post. I need to save some stuff for future posts ;)