
My name is Melissa and I am a single mother of two beautiful children.
I have a wonderful son who is 3 and a half and a daughter who is two. I am blogging my life as I learn to adjust my life from one step to another and trying to find a way to keep up with my artistic hobbies while doing it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


There seems to be a lack of discipline with kids these days. Every where I turn it seems there is the people who have the child throwing excessive tantrums, hitting other kids, throwing stuff, etc. The part that shocks me is that their parents are either not paying attention to them at all, or that the parents don't do anything about it. They just sit there watching their child act like a demon, and say 'Don't do that', or not even bother doing anything at all. When my son hits, or throws stuff, or throws a fit for no reason, he gets a smack on the butt or hand and he is told that it is not acceptable behavior. I understand that sometimes kids don't always listen and can throw tantrums over the stupidest thing, but I also think you should be doing something about it not just sitting there watching your child do these things and letting them be little monsters. If my son starts to throw a tantrum we pick him up and tell him 'That's enough' and even though he will still be upset, scream and cry, he will stop hitting and thrashing while doing it. It is fine for him to be upset about things but it is not acceptable for him to thrash about and cause harm to those around him. Hitting and throwing stuff is call for a time out. I think parents today are to slack on discipline. People seem to have a skewed vision of what discipline is as well. I discipline my son without ever crossing the line. Most the time a firm word, and a time out will work just great and he will listen well. Other times he needs a quick swat on the behind (not enough to hurt but to grab his full attention), and then a time out to go with it. Also explaining to him what it is that is wrong for him to do. I also make sure to never call him 'bad' for anything either, because it can lead children to feel like they are always 'bad' which can cause some serious psychological issues and even depression. I try to always take time to tell him what he was doing that was wrong and tell him why it is wrong. For example, 'Hitting is wrong because it hurts, it's not good to hurt people.' Even though he doesn't fully understand it all yet, he is learning and I am trying to make sure that he will always know why, not just get yelled at without even knowing what he did wrong to get yelled at. Sometimes it is nice because all that I have to say to him when he goes into our cupboards is, "You know better." and he looks at me and puts back whatever he took out and closes them. A lot of the time he usually follows up with coming to me and giving me a hug. :) so cute!

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