
My name is Melissa and I am a single mother of two beautiful children.
I have a wonderful son who is 3 and a half and a daughter who is two. I am blogging my life as I learn to adjust my life from one step to another and trying to find a way to keep up with my artistic hobbies while doing it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

People are confusing.

So I have come to understand through out my 24 years of life that no matter how much you think you know someone, they are are quite capable of surprising you. Unfortunately for a lot of these people its not in a good way. I know my view on the world and on people is totally jaded and pessimistic, but hey, it keeps me a lot saner than I would be if I didn't protect myself from all the emotional catastrophes people seem to enjoy inflicting on others for whatever personal gain it gives them. Why is it that no matter how many years a person has on them they never seem to fully mature beyond the high school way of thinking that you need to make fun of others and beat them into an emotional pulp just to feel better about themselves. If I wanted your opinion I would honestly ask you 'What do you think?" but I didn't ask so therefor keep your negativity to yourself because frankly I don't care and it will honestly just make me very angry. Trust me, I am not a very nice person when I am angry. You want to point out my flaws, look at your own first then try to tell me how mine are worse, you cant because no person is better than anyone else when it comes right down to it. If you think you are better than anyone else then get the hell off of your high horse and look at the reality around you. I do understand that some people seem less pulled together, but that just means that the things you see aren't their strong point and that you need to look closer to see the things they are good at because everyone has one thing that they can do better than you can. I can't help but feeling that no matter how good of a friend you think you have, they will always pass you up for what they think is better, which just goes to show people are fickle. I pride myself on being opinionated and quirky, and completely honest with people, but I also know when to keep my mouth shut to avoid unnecessary conflict, especially if your rude comment you have to say could potentially offend some one else. Just because your opinion differs from mine don't tell me my opinion is wrong. My taste in clothing, music, jokes, movies, etc... They are mine, O never asked them to be yours, so if you want to tell me how these choices are dumb, lame, stupid, wrong, etc...... STFU!!!! I do not care, I respect your bad taste in stuff because, hey it is not my problem so why should i care. If you see something you do not like that is just a matter of opinion and not causing any harm or breaking any laws and I haven't asked for your opinion, then for the love of God and all that is Holy Keep your thoughts to yourself!!!!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In my opinion I really think that you need to grow up. Like you tell everyone else, if you don't like what someone writes then don't read it! No body honestly cares what you have to say as everyone can tell because most people that you meet don't like you and don't want to have anything to do with you because you are the one who causes all the drama and ruins it for everyone. But thats just my opinion=)
